Join the Mercy Global Action Women in Justice Leadership Task Force

An exciting opportunity exists to join a newly established Mercy Global Action (MGA) Task Force on Women in Justice Leadership to commence in late September/early October 2023. This Task Force is directly linked to MGA’s priority themes.

MGA’s task forces are issue-based, time-limited and have an action-oriented focus. Comprising approximately twelve members, including some members of the MGA team, the Women in Justice Leadership Task Force will draw upon the experiences, expertise and aspirations of its members in relation to issues of justice and leadership affecting women around the world.

Exressions of interest are now open for membership of the Women in Justice Leadership MGA Task Force and will close on 4 September 2023. Mercy Global Action is specifically seeking members from the Mercy World who:

  • Are energetic and enthusiastic about Women and Justice
  • Have direct knowledge and/or experience of Women and Justice
  • Are willing to develop and exchange ideas, advocate and enact change
  • Have the ability to work collaboratively with a diverse team.

Selection will be based on a range of perspectives, including different knowledge and experience levels, geographic locations, cultural background and other lived experiences.

You can complete the application form here.

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