Mercy International Association (MIA) has launched Preservica, a new online heritage portal designed to provide access to a wealth of primary sources related to Catherine McAuley and the foundation of the Sisters of Mercy.
Preservica is an innovative online tool that stores, preserves, and makes archival material accessible. This heritage portal aims to inspire the Mercy World by showcasing a selection of digital images from MIA’s extensive archive.
Each month, different materials linked to key dates in Mercy history will be released. Visitors to the Mercy Heritage archive can explore the Deed of Agreement (December 1824), view the plans Catherine McAuley had drawn up for 64a Baggot Street, and admire the beautifully illuminated Register entries for the central figures involved in establishing the House of Mercy.
You can explore the portal here.
For any questions regarding Mercy Heritage and the new Preservica portal, please email